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How PACC can assist managing your NDIS plan

Being approved to receive funding from the NDIS is a welcome sense of relief but it is often mixed in with apprehension, confusion, and questions. Where to from here? Para Ability Community Centre (PACC) is here to help you make the most of your benefit and take the confusion away so that the support and services you need to improve your life become a reality.

NDIS funding covers a wide range of services, from education and employment assistance through to social participation and day-to-day living arrangements. All supports are intended to assist you and must be specifically related to your disability.

Knowing what each person can do to help

Once you have received your approval and plan, you will want to implement it to pay for the supports you want as soon as possible. The NDIS system features a lot of jargon, and it can be challenging to determine what each job title means. To make them more accessible, we’ve broken down some of the terms you’ll commonly come across.

At PACC our support coordinators can help participants identify their goals and find the right service providers to achieve them. Part of their role is also to help you continually evaluate what works for you and how to use the support to live more independently.

A plan manager is a specialist financial assistant who enables you to monitor funds, pay providers, and report on the costs in your plan. However, you can also manage the financial side of your plan yourself.

A NDIS service provider can be a single-person business such as a massage therapist, or an agency providing employment support, or an organisation connecting participants with core support requirements in the NDIS-defined area. Examples of how you would use a NDIS service provider could be attending a community social activity or seeing a physiotherapist to improve mobility.

Because PACC is a NDIS service provider, you can get started immediately with access to our comprehensive on-site day program of activities, including art classes, games day, cooking, and gardening. Or perhaps you’ll jump straight in and head off on a day trip.

NDIS plan management - disability services

PACC helps you navigate the NDIS pathway

At PACC, we have dedicated case managers who will get to you and your unique situation. You’ll then speak to one of our highly trained administration staff, who will answer any questions you have and invite you for a tour of our purpose-built facilities at Modbury and to meet the team.

Our support coordinators will set you up with access to the services and support you need in the area. Because we’re a well-established provider, we have relationships with many of the services in the north eastern area. For added convenience, we even have a Registered NDIS Physiotherapist located in the same building!

Supporting your life, however you choose

Collaborating with Para Ability Community Centre will provide you with numerous benefits to make life easier. Our day centre is open from Monday to Friday and offers a welcoming environment where you can spend time with like-minded people who share similar interests.

Our team comprises people from culturally diverse backgrounds, bringing unique skills and approaches to their work. When you choose to work with us, we will support you to live life to the fullest by delivering high-quality programs, support and accommodation services and promoting independent living skills in an encouraging environment.