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Our goal is to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities.

PACC is an NDIS registered provider servicing the greater metropolitan area of Adelaide and regional areas with accommodation and support services for people living with a disability.

At PACC, we take pride in our person-centred approach, which places our clients and their families at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to helping individuals achieve their goals and aspirations, no matter how big or small.

Our comprehensive range of services includes supported independent living, specialist disability accommodation, centre-based day programs, community participation programs, and more.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government-funded scheme that provides support and services to people with disabilities. The NDIS was introduced in 2013 to provide people with disabilities more control over their lives by giving them access to funding for disability-related services and supports.

The NDIS is designed to be individualised and person-centred, meaning that support and services are tailored to the unique needs of each individual. NDIS participants work with a support coordinator to develop a plan identifying their goals, needs and aspirations and the support and services required to achieve them.

The NDIS is funded by the Australian Government and is administered by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). PACC is an NDIS registered provider in Adelaide, South Australia.

The NDIS funds a wide range of services, including daily living assistance, specialised accommodation, therapy services, mobility equipment, home modifications, group-based activities, community participation programs and employment support.

The NDIS is designed to be person-centred, meaning that support and services are tailored to the unique needs of each individual. Participants work with a support coordinator to develop a personalised plan that identifies their goals, needs, and aspirations and the support and services required to achieve them.

The key difference is their status with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and their ability to provide services to NDIS participants.

Registered providers have met the NDIA's strict registration and compliance requirements, including maintaining appropriate insurance and qualifications and adhering to specific quality and safety standards. NDIS participants who use registered providers like PACC can be assured that the provider has been thoroughly vetted and is committed to delivering high-quality services.

Unregistered providers are not registered with the NDIA. Therefore, they have not undergone the same scrutiny and compliance checks as registered providers. As a result, while unregistered providers may still be able to offer services to NDIS participants, they may not have the same level of oversight and regulation as registered providers. This means that the quality and safety of their services may not be as consistent or reliable.

It's important to note that NDIS participants can choose to use registered or unregistered providers, depending on their preferences and needs. However, it's generally recommended that participants use registered providers wherever possible to ensure the highest quality and safety of the services they receive.

PACC is for me. The people running PACC, all the staff are very good to me, and they know how to do business. They are good to me 100%

Chris Coutsoucos, full-time accommodation care